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PO Box 1150,
Ashland, OR 97520
(541) 292-9277
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PO Box 1150,
Ashland, OR 97520
I remain an advocate for therapists to engage in their own therapeutic work. I am proffering this article here to further highlight why we need
Over the course of my career, I found helping children whose parents were divorcing some of my most stressful cases. Although I had treated childhood
2025 © | Roxanne Rae, LCSW, BCD | All Rights Reserved
Margaret Lowenfeld’s Sandtray methods are designed to access the innate healing powers within an individual’s life. Using what is created in the sand world we can reach into the depths of our lives and bring forth the images that we routinely rely on for perception and decision making. Sometimes our experiences are beyond words, and at other times our words do not accurately reflect our experiences. Sandtray can reveal how the non-cognitive aspect of our minds influence daily life. New perspectives gained through these sessions begin to clarify what actions one may take to heal, recover, and grow.
Sandtray can be a profoundly revitalizing and deeply intimate experience with one’s self. The therapist does not interpret or analyze the sand world but may function as a Witness or guide to enrich one’s focus, to explore and to harvest the wisdom from lesser-known parts of one’s life. Individuals make their own discoveries. Control lies with the Creator of the world. With a therapist’s aid, a world Creator can unfold fresh personal meanings. As people more clearly identify and harness the implicit aspects of their own lives, they become increasingly self-empowered to make healthier choices.